Why Limit Yourself?
When a property qualifies for a traditional retail buyer and lender, it often sits on market for extended periods of time and in some cases, does not sell fast enough to meet the seller’s needs. For properties in lesser condition that do not qualify for a traditional buyer, Cr8ive REI aims to provide sellers with competitive alternatives that meet minimal investor parameters and are not biased to the investor side. In other words, these properties are often low-balled by other investor’s offers while we try to get the seller as much as possible.
Cash Offer Types
CASH FIX-N-FLIP: Max cash offers to acquire the property as-is, make renovations, and sell the property at ARV. CREATIVE FIX-N-FLIP: An agreed upon cash price to the seller AFTER the property has been renovated and sell the property at ARV. CASH SECTION 8: Max cash offers to acquire the property as-is, make minor improvements and turn into a Section 8. These properties need to be equal to or less than the median home price in its respective city. CASH MULTI-FAMILY 4+ Units: Properties with 4 units or more that show a 7% or greater cap rate are eligible for cash offers to acquire the property as-is.
Creative Finance Types
HIGHEST DOWN PAYMENT: Purchase price above list price (if list price is found reasonable) with the highest down payment possible and lower monthly payments. HIGHEST MONTHLY PAYMENT: Purchase price above list price (if list price is found reasonable) with the highest monthly payments possible and lower down payment.